(Registration for this station, at the same time have such a site: surfmore, Turbo-tausch a time, many points of income)
Register :]
Open the top of connection, point anmelden left side of the page to register, the following reference:
Completed after the points eingaben speichern submitted, it will result in the following interface:
vielen dank für ihre anmeldung. vielen dank für ihre anmeldung.
sie bekommen nun per email einen link um ihren ac zu aktivieren sie bekommen nun per email einen link um ihren ac zu aktivieren
in der url-verwaltung knnen sie nun ihre webseiten eintragen. in der url-verwaltung knnen sie nun ihre webseiten eintragen
You have successfully register, please mail a letter received activated, the longest point of connection to activate the account:
vielen dank für die besttigung ihrer e-mail-adresse. ihr ac ist jetzt aktiviert. vielen dank für die besttigung ihrer e-mail-adresse. ihr ac ist jetzt aktiviert.
Note you have successfully activated your account, you can visit them to start making money
Note 1: Sometimes when surfing, the page will appear between the words has jackpot link (diagram below).
Want a timely manner, the point to be put inside the points are given to you, on many a time when there is ten thousand points, there is also less when a few hundred points.
Surfing the bottom of the page also has clicks, many U.S. small and increase revenue.
Note 2: surfing for some time there will be a button, click to enter a password, click the button to continue surfing!
2. Ad clicks: c 4credits: Click ads can be automatically surfing at the same time to do! But bearing in mind that not even the point!
3. E-mail click: point messages zur bestatigung bitte hier k en: under your user name at the end of the list
how to cash out:
Join it today and let's it make money automatic ~